Monday 15 June 2015

The Other Side

I haven't been blogging much. I want to be a blogger; a savvy and chic wifey who effortlessly encapsulates her life in a beautiful blog and inspires the world...Yeah, ain't no body got time for that! At least I haven't. Ha. Nevertheless, I am attempting to get "back into it". We shall see how that goes.

Lately I have been reflecting on seasons of life that I have been through, and the faithfulness of God seen in hindsight through those seasons. I've been through so many seasons that looked grim and fruitless, with no end or escape in sight. Yet, somehow, I have come through them barely scathed and stronger than before. I want to relive a few of the most significant seasons from the past 4 years here to explore the similarities and the character of God throughout these tough times.

2012. Newly married and moved our lives to Sydney, Australia. Following the call of God on our lives, believing He would sustain us and taking a huge step of faith. Through negative patterns of thinking and a bad habit of worrying, anxiety crept back into my head and body. Things were hard our first 6 months in Oz, and it was hard to see a better way of living through the massive rent cost and expense of living. Could God still reach us here? Would He reward our faithful step out to follow where we heard Him call? Of course! It was so hard then, but God provided every small step of the way and made the impossible possible.

December 2012. Alex needed a job. We needed a car. No money, and my work closed for a few weeks over the holidays. We were able to buy a car and Alex was able to work when I couldn't and we made ends meet and then some. We are so blessed, and God is so faithful.

2013 & 2014. A few times throughout these next few years, we came to the point where we had no way of paying rent the next week. What with hefty bills due and car registration every year as well as medical bills (Alex had pneumonia at one point). However, we have never not been able to cover all costs we needed to. God keeps coming through in the most amazing ways. We have never been without.

2015. Need a new visa to stay in Australia. First application didn't work out. Then assuming we could get the $2,100 refund, somehow we needed to come up with money for medical insurance to cover two years up front and all of this before the school term starts in April. All this, and I am not eating, not sleeping, and trembling with anxiety as that worry habit creeps back. Finally, God wanted me to work through this and learn to trust Him. And of course, He came through. Every single expense was taken care of by miracle after miracle. We could not have done it by ourselves. He is faithful!

Now, its June 2015. And we are in a position financially that feels eerily similar to these previous accounts. Somehow, even though we've been working hard, wise with our money, and living pretty much at bare minimum to try and save, bills and other expenses have us at a low point again. And with Heart for the House, our church's big over and above offering coming up and a big number God has put in our hearts to give, we don't see how we will make it through this month.

But, neither of us are stressing this time. Why? Because we can look back at the seasons we've been through before and remember that God will always bring us through to the other side of the season and we can face any other seasons that come our way. In His strength and with His provision, we know so well now that God will never leave us without. And you can also trust that He will take care of you, I hope that our story encourages you if you are in a hard season.

"Those who look to God for help will be radiant with joy. No shadow of shame will ever cover their faces."
Psalm 34:5